Fildena Super Active (Sildenafil)
4.71 / 235

Fildena Super Active (Sildenafil)

4.71 / 235

Fildena Super Active is a means to increase the erection of men during sexual intercourse. This drug is available in convenient capsules with a neutral taste. The pills are easy to take and work faster than tablets.

The main effect that you will achieve by taking Fildena Super Active is a robust and long-lasting erection and quick recovery after ejaculation. In just 2-3 minutes after the end of sexual intercourse, you will be ready for the next one.

Fildena Super Active

Drug Info

  • Brand Name: Fildena Super Active;
  • Active Ingredient: Sildenafil;
  • Manufacturer: Fortune Health Care.

Drug substance Sildenafil

The active substance Sildenafil, getting into the blood, gently but effectively corrects the production of nitric oxide and the PDE-5 enzyme. As a result, blood circulation in the penis improves, and the man achieves an erection.

A specific of Sildenafil is that it does not cause a spontaneous erection but naturally affects the physiological process. In other words, an erection occurs only with sexual arousal and only if a man wants it. Without sexual stimulation, an erection will not occur.

The action lasts for 4-5 hours. After that, the stimulation of the physiological process gradually decreases, and Sildenafil stops maintaining a hard erection. It is a symptomatic remedy with a reversible action, and so it has a high level of therapeutic safety.

Indications for use

Fildena Super Active is for men with certain erectile function disorders caused by:

  • Organic pathologies: diabetes, atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs, prostatitis, and some other pathologies;
  • Psychological disorders: depression, anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, and other conditions.
  • Medications.

Treatment regimens and dosages

  • During the day, you can take only one capsule of Fildena Super Active 100 mg;
  • The drug takes effect after 45-55 minutes and lasts for 4-5 hours. In rare cases, the effect lasts up to 6 hours with a slow metabolism;
  • It would help if you took the pills with water for better dissolution;
  • You shouldn't take two or more Fildena Super Active capsules in one day.

Recommendations for use

  • Please remember that taking Fildena Super Active 100 mg immediately after a meal slows down the action. It means that you will not feel the maximum effect in an hour. For this reason, if you are going to have a “hot” night, take the pills only on an empty stomach.
  • Take the capsule at one time. Don't break or chew it. It may lead to a decrease in the bioavailability of Sildenafil.

Missed Dose

They take Fildena Super Active immediately before sexual intercourse. You shouldn't take the drug regularly and follow a specific dosage regimen. The main thing to remember is that the interval between doses should be at least 20 hours.


  • Fildena Super Active may cause an increase in tachycardia or exacerbate symptoms of hypertension. So, if you have these deceases, you should be especially careful.
  • If you have recently had a heart attack or stroke or have heart failure, don't use Sildenafil-based products.
  • Fildena Super Active may increase discomfort in the eyes if you have glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure. Stop using these pills.

Use of Fildena Super Active during pregnancy

Fildena Super Active is for men only. The drug's effect on women has not been thoroughly studied, so they shouldn't take it.

Possible side effects

Side effects are possible in case of an overdose, non-compliance with precautions, or if a man has contraindications. But anyway, they rarely have a severe form. As a rule, the following mild side effects are possible that go away on their own:

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Red face;
  • Lower back pain;
  • Temporary increased light sensitivity.

Sildenafil: interaction with other drugs

They don't recommend taking some medicines with Sildenafil:

  • Organic nitrates;
  • HIV drugs;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Cimetidine;
  • Nitric oxide donators;
  • Ethanol-containing drugs.

Don't take Sildenafil with grapefruit juice.


Store in a dark place out of the reach of children. The optimum storage temperature is up to 25ºC.

Buy Fildena Super Active without a prescription in Europe

Buying Fildena Super Active online will help increase potency and make you a more confident lover. Having this medicine on hand will help you avoid any embarrassing situations you may find yourself in due to a weak erection.

So, we allow you to buy Fildena Super Active online at the manufacturer's price. Our store delivers Fildena Super Active to all EU countries and cities from our storehouse in Europe.

The advantages of buying Fildena Super Active online are evident:

  • Opportunity to place an order 24/7 any day of the year;
  • Low prices for Fildena Super Active online and discounts for regular customers;
  • Opportunity to place an order without a prescription;
  • Parcel delivery to your home.

We will be glad if you have a good opinion about our store and the Fildena Super Active bought there help you defeat ED.

  • Rodney Connelly

    Fildena Super Active - makes me super active in bed. I was a little afraid to take pills with 100 mg of sildenafil but these capsules are just magic!

  • Ben Mitchell

    The first medicine for impotence treatment which gives me an erection in 20 minutes. I love this drug because with its help I can be much more inventive in sex.

  • Thomas Grossman

    Fildena gave me back my confidence in bed!!! I can now do everything that I loved so much in my student years. This medicine deserves your attention, because for a little money it provides a good erection for 6-7 hours.

  • Andy Margera

    Fildena Super Active is a real must-buy for men after 60 years. I haven't been looking for new ED meds for a long time, because since Fildena I completely forgot about any side effects.

  • Troy Beasley

    This drug really helps me get back a good erection for a long time. I get 4-5 capsules a week and this is enough for me to enjoy sex for at any time i need.

  • Kevin Longsmith

    I dont know of another drug as effective as Fildena Super Active. I advise it to everyone! Absolutely successful purchase!

  • Glen Davenport

    I used other drugs with sildenafil in its formula. Now I use only Fildena 100 mg because only these capsules guarantee me a perfect erection without side effects. Hard as a stone penis for many hours!!! A little foreplay is enough and an erection appears. Other drugs only worked if the foreplay lasted more than an hour.

  • Clint Wallace

    Unfortunately, I am an experienced expert on such a problem as impotence. Fortunately, I haven't felt any difficulties for a long time because I regularly take Fielden. In my practice, these are the best capsules in 100 mg of all that I have managed to use over the past 17 years.

  • Jonathan Gable

    Fildena helps me to get an erection faster than any other ED drug. I like the fact that the penis retains its strength even 4-5 hours after I finished the last act. I do not feel any side effects and am completely happy with this purchase.

  • Edd Jenkinson

    I love this ED med. I am pretty motivated to recommend it to everyone. I am very glad that my doc recommended it to me.

  • Andy Harrison

    Fildena has long been one of my most used medications. My body tolerates the drug perfectly. I don't experience heart and breathing problems after one capsule. Many original pills from expensive brands caused serious side effects. Now I can be sure that all the time I will have sex will bring me only pleasure.

  • Benjamin Patterson

    I love this medicine because it brought back to me everything that I loved so much before - confident sex that brings pleasure. I began to feel insecure after 46 years because of impotence. A simple thought that something might not work out for me greatly disturbed me. Now I don't think at all about what created so much stress in me until recently.

  • Carlos Adamson

    The only med that I have been buying on a regular basis for 8 months now. Neither I nor my friends who recommended Fildena to me have met with serious side effects. Now I can have sex all night long without being afraid that next morning my head will be drilled out.

  • Maurice Tennant

    This drug really does what it says on ads. The erection became as hard as stone. My penis has become more hardy than ever. I can start sexual act for at least 20-30 minutes until ejaculation. The erection does not become sluggish. I was able to regain my youth together with Fildena.

  • Peter Doherty

    Erectile dysfunction disappears for a long time if I use Fildena. This drug helped me save money and now I enjoy sex with my young wife at any time.

  • Donny O'Neil

    A drug worth trying. I have been using it for 6 months and have never felt severe side effects. Now I am 50 and thanks to Fildena I can enjoy sex without fear that my heart will suddenly stop. Other drugs from ED still created a noticeable load on the heart.

  • Isaac Churchill

    Fildena Super Active is a super comfortable med. I take it during dinner. Sometimes I can take a glass, but I do not advise others of these kinds of challenges. I do not experience unpleasant sides, but lots of my friends complained of a headache after taking Fildena with alcohol. I recommend this medicine to everyone. Don't think I had such a strong erection at the age of 20.

  • Neville Strottman

    Fildena is a medicine, without which I cannot exist now. I am 60 years old and I plan to practice sexual activity for many more years. Fildena is exactly the kind of medicine that returns potency without forcing you to spend half of your monthly budget.

  • Samuel Brown

    This medicine helped me to get rid of my complexes. I started experiencing problems with erectile dysfunction at a relatively early age - about 34. It was a disaster for me because I had to change my lifestyle. I couldn't meet girls at parties so confidently if I knew anything could go wrong with my erection. Fildena has given me back everything that I have loved so much all these years. Absolutely worth the money spent.

  • Kenneth Palmer

    A medicine that makes wonders! I didn't think such effective medicines may exist! I really like the price and the acting principle of these capsules.

  • Charlie Benning

    Fildena has long been the kind of meds that I keep in the closet next to my bed for a long time. I like how this drug acts on the body. I can take one capsule at dinner. At any time at night I am completely ready to participate in sexual intercourse. Recommend to everyone this ED med.

  • Shane Lamar

    Fildena is a fanatical medicine! I usually feel bad after the usual potency increasing pills. I was a little skeptical about these capsules earlier. The dosage - 100 mg seemed freaky to me. After a detailed consultation my doc summarized that this dosage suits me and everything worked out. I can use my penis for 5-7 hours. Also, I can have sex in the morning. The perfect solution for good money.

  • Ron Kingsley

    I like everything about this med. The effect lasts a long time and does not cause adverse reactions. I feel young again and am able to satisfy my woman.

  • Jason More

    Fildena helped me feel confident in bed again. I'm no longer worried that an erection may disappear at the most inopportune moment. My wife is happy because I can devote as much time to sexual activity as we need. Also, Fildena is very well perceived by my body. I do not feel strong pressure drops, shortness of breath and blood rush in my face, as it was with other drugs for ED treatment.

  • Maxwell Delpino

    A friend of mine advised me to use Fildena Super Active a few months ago when I first complained about the difficulty of keeping my penis firm. Now my penis is stone hard as soon as I feel sexual arousal. Erection persists until ejaculation and it is easy to get it again if I want to start a new sexual act.

  • Nathan Emmerich

    I am satisfied with everything regarding Fildena 100mg in capsules. The result, it's duration, no side effect, the quality of sexual acts, as well as the price of this medication. 10 points out of 10!!!!

  • Allan Malone

    I recommend this medicine to anyone who has just started suffering from impotence. Fildena Super Active has become for me the second cure for erectile dysfunction in the entire history of my ED treatment. I am happy with the results. Now the erection is really strong. It is enough for 5 hours of intense sexual activity. Side effects? There are practically none. First time I had a slight headache, but it didn't stop me from having sex.

  • Patrick Cosby

    I used to think that medications for erectile dysfunction treatment are very toxic. Now I understand that it was a delusion. Fildena Super Active is a very convenient capsule. I take it in the evenings during dinner and have an amazing erection all night long. My penis can is good enoght for sexual intercourses even the next morning. I am very happy with this med!

  • Jim Frost

    My doctor advised me Fildena Super Active 100mg in capsules and I am very happy with this experience. It was unpleasant 5 years ago to realize that I cannot defeat erectile dysfunction without meds. I used different drugs that include sildenafil. Doses of 10 and 20 mg proved ineffective, because resistance arose in the body quickly. Fildena Super Active is the only drug that I have been using for so long. I have used it for more than 14 months. My wife and I are both happy.

  • Dwight Boyle

    I have never encountered serious side effects in the last 2 years using Fildena 100 mg. Erection lasts a long time. My penis is hard as metal and the sex itself is not accompanied by pain.

  • Lance Schmidt

    I am very pleased after using Fildena Super Active. Indeed, this generic is no less effective than many expensive brands. Why should I spend a quarter of my monthly budget, if for such little money I can achieve an erection any day of the week. I am aged 56 and am absolutely happy with my sex life now.

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