Cialis Brand from online
4.82 / 185

Cialis Brand from online

4.82 / 185

There are just a few highly trusted drugs for erectile dysfunction treatment that are known around the world. Cialis Brand, or Cialis Original is one of them. This medication is a perfect alternative to other types of Viagra from Pfizer. Cialis Original is a perfect pill for a long-lasting erection.

The active and powerful component of Cialis is Tadalafil. The action of Tadafil is strong and Cialis has the same effect on men as Viagra. But unlike usual Viagra, the effect of Cialis lasts much longer - up to 36 hours!

Cialis Brand

This feature will regain you a possibility to have a spontaneous sex. Even serious issues with erection can be forgotten with the help of Cialis Brand. Just one pill of Cialis will let you feel yourself young and full of sexual energy for a long time.

Taking a pill of Cialis does not provide 36 hours of permanent erection. Sexual interaction is still required to get the erection. Without sexual stimulation the effect of Cialis will be limited. On the contrary, right sexual stimulation and natural desire provide strong erection and multiple orgasms.

Improved ability to achieve erection quickly is an obvious positive effect of Cialis Brand. Intensified orgasms will be a nice addition. Buy Cialis online and feel yourself sexually free with a reliable and trusted potency drug.

The advantages of Cialis are obvious. While the effect of Viagra lasts for 4 or 5 hours, Cialis works for 36 hours! You have no need in careful planning of taking the pill anymore. Buy Cialis online and just enjoy sex anytime you want.

Cialis Brand. General information

The powerful effect of Cialis Brand provided by Tadalafil. The normal dosage of one pill is 10 or 20mg of the active component. The pill starts to work quickly – in half an hour after taking. The effect lasts for 36 hours.

Amazing properties of Cialis Brand

Tadalafil contains PDE-5 enzyme that widely used in various medications and Cialis as well. It is responsible for erectile dysfunction treatment in particular. Due to PDE-5, Tadalafil blocks the decreasing of a penile erection and enables a long and strong erection. To achieve the result sexual stimulation must take place. Erection will not appear without proper stimulation that is why you should not worry about permanent erection. The long effect occurs because the assimilation of Tadalafil takes some time.

Contraindications and Side Effects

Contraindications are possible but can be avoided if you follow the instructions carefully. To avoid complications with Cialis Brand, make sure you:

  • Do not take other drugs for potency;
  • Do not have problems with kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system;
  • Have normal blood pressure;
  • Do not suffer from priapism;
  • Over 18 years.

Side effects of Cialis occur rarely. There is always a possibility to experience side effects in such cases. The possibility is higher if you are allergic to the active component of Cialis Brand or if you overdose.

The list of possible reactions includes:

  • Headache and pain in muscles;
  • Flushing and dizziness;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Pain in lower back;
  • Indigestion;
  • Eyes inflammation.

Researches notices negative interaction of Cialis Brand and medications with nitrates. That is why one should not take Cialis with other medicines with nitrates or N.O. donors in the composition. Such combination may be dangerous for your general health. Side effects may be intensified because of some products as well - like grapefruit. The effectiveness of the pill is lower if heavy meal with high level of fat is taken before.

Buy Cialis Original in a reliable online pharmacy!

Buying Cialis Brand in a right pharmacy is important. Many people are looking for a safe online pharmacy on forums and by asking friends. Another good option is to ask your doctor for advice. You can also look through reviews of other people who buy Cialis. provides a secure possibility to buy Cialis Brand online without prescription in a few simple steps. With our fast shipment there is no need to go to the local pharmacy and wait in a line - the product will be delivered right to your house.

Those who buy Cialis Brand 20mg online are free of examinations or a feel of embarrassment. In case you do not need a consultation of your doctor anymore and do not have a prescription, you still can buy Cialis anonymously here. As a rule, prices for Cialis in city pharmacies are high, while our online pharmacy can make a good offer. Buy Cialis Brand online and save your time and money!

  • Gregor

    Just wanted to write a review on this product in hopes to get another package. I really enjoyed this product and have searched the internet high and low for something that was legit and actually worked. I've tried the first one and now the "Extra Strength" and I can definitely say it makes a difference in the bedroom.Yay!

  • Sergej

    Great product , I can go for a long time strong, thank you to cialis and my doctor.

  • Martin

    I am 55 and never thought I will be back in my teens. I take only half the capsule and the effect lasts almost a week. Great job in developing such a good pill. Keep up the quality. Will be buying this all the time.

  • Natan

    Good experience. Helps when not to anxious. But it really works!

  • Xander

    Hi I'm francis and i like trying things that could give me an extra boost. This pill is amazing. No sise effects. This my second day and i can tell the pill still working. I don't have any particular issues since i traing. Sadly we can train that part down there.

  • Kai

    It works amazingly as described and doesnt live you with boner if you dont want to i have never tried other pills before but from people around me talking all about the the other pill this works really good safe and recommended

  • Denis

    Terrific supplement to increase blood flow. I order 20mg pills and break them into 10mg halves. I do have to pop a couple Ibuprofen, as Cialis does give me a headache. The only other negative is to make sure your spouse or GF is in the mood before taking the pill. The last thing you want is to be ready to go without a willing partner ;)

  • Gheorghe.

    This product is the best for longevity, and energetic. Never let you down, I highly recommend to those who need that extra mile push. You will be very confident you won’t take a loss.

  • Jorrit

    Love the product! Highly effective and long-lasting effects even over a few days. I have more stamina and power at the gym and in the bedroom. I highly recommend this product and plan to purchase again. Try it and you will love it too!

  • Dominik

    Just like the original pill this one does the job even better. Able to achieve great results after a few hours from taking a pill and the effects keep happening even after a few days of taking them. Experience no side effects or head aches from them. Defiantly tell all my friends about this pill for sure and highly recommend.

  • Ivan

    First pill ive tried that didn't give me heartburn or a headache , but what it did me was a massive, literally throbbing shaft. Wifes ovaries have been in pain ever since. So yes, that the only caution i have to give. Try to be gentle with her...effect last within 3-4 days per pill ...for me that is.

  • Philip

    I think this product is the best over the counter product on the market. I have tried others but nothing compares to this. Longer lasting, longevity, sensitivity. I have had few headaches but nothing serious. The lasting effects after taking one has lasted days. I recommend this to anyone. I will be buying more.

  • Thimo

    Took me a while to write a review because I wanted to see if they actually work, the pills work and I was able to perform however if you dont eat and drink a lot of water you will have a massive headache.

  • Margreet

    I bought it for my boyfriend, he didn't experience any of the side effects mentioned in other reviews, and it lasted for half a day. It won't keep you erect (which I don't think most people want), but it won't take much effort once the pill is absorbed. He's taken it several times, and it's been very effective, even for two days. Great product.

  • Bastiaan

    This pill does it’s job with no headache!! I’m a life time customer!

  • Albert

    This pill does wonders, if you’ve ever had the issue where you go soft, or maybe after you finish you can’t go anymore, or maybe you don’t get as hard as you use to, taking this pill once every 4 days you’ll never experience those issues again, you’ll have longer lasting intercourse, back to being rock hard, and after you finish you can just keep going

  • August

    I have been impressed with how these have worked for me, as I have gotten a good 72 hours of maximum performance out of each use. The resulting experience in the bedroom has been absolutely great. There has been no compromise in sensitivity either, as I have experienced from other products.

  • Sebastian

    I was skeptical with this pill at first but I’m glad I got it. It definitely works and I didn’t have any side effects. It feels like it’s still working after 2 days!!!! Drinks lots of water when u take it. Will definitely be buying more!!

  • Femme

    Just finished my first box of these. Others have given me headaches or belly issues, but not The Pill. It was very easy on my system and worked gently to give the desired effect. And the results lasted about 2 days.

  • Leon

    Holy smokes I am very satisfied with it & the results. This is a spectacular product & I will definitely be a repeat customer. I was leery of the price when I ordered, but it is well worth every penny. Great for energy, & the other effects don't hurt either. I have not suffered any headaches or negative side effects.

  • Jorden

    At full dosage I get the headache or skull pressure it describes, although I didn't drink much water considering that I didn't want to take a leak part way through extended foreplay (getting old is like that). However, I take the capsule apart (roll it between the fingers a bit to loosen it) and dump half into a glass of water, and save the other half for next time. That half does does what I need for the next three days or so.

  • Pim

    This product is great and worked more than I expected, it made me energetic and gave me power to do whatever I want to, especially sex, it gave me the energy that surprised my girlfriend. Also it made me like a beast in the gym, giving me so much energy. I love it

  • Rene

    Loved the affects . Did was it was suppose to do for me . Remember to stay well hydrated and a empty stomach when taking the pill. The extra water stops the headache that almost all of these kinds of pills will give you . Just follow the directions and i can't see why it wouldn't work for everybody . Will order again.

  • Jorden

    This product works!! Took it at about 4 pm. and by 6:30 I was thinking I could feel a little something. It's been 30 hrs since I've taken it and the effects are just as strong. with absolutely zero side effects! My erection is much fuller, harder, and bigger than it has been!

  • Thom

    Excellent Product! Actually works, definitely recommend. Will be purchasing again and again

  • Sander

    After taking my first pill in 2 hours with out even being near my gal johnnie was ready. Lets just say im ready when im not even thinking about giving my gal a work out . Im defly order more of them. After my first pill the next morning i did experience a head ache . But did get a head ache after the second one . You have nothing to lose try it its better then the rhino pills and Viagra

  • Edward

    Effective and reliable. Delivered as promised

  • Stephen R.

    Absolutely amazing Works a treat 20mgs 1hr before I suffer bad anxiety This fixed me this wonder pill Is better than Viagra I'm in my late 30s I never had a problem until one occasion Go for it nothing wrong Wow!! I will keep on taking it

  • Christopher G.

    Great service, personal care

  • Douglas 45

    I am 45 years old I have been taking cialis 20 mg for last 4 years and it was given me rock rock hard erection 95% of the time after Cialis my life very Colorful and very enjoyable I m very confidant in front of my girlfriend 25

  • Freya

    This drug is amazing and can finally keep up with my boyfriend at last.

  • Thomas Oliver

    This product is great... We love it!!

  • Oscar

    Suffered traumatic relationship, erectile quality diminished significantly. Had weak erections during the night and morning like my body was trying but could not muster the strength. Cialis gives you your life back. Rock hard erections during the night and during sex. I highly recommend.

  • James Nelson

    I am 52 and started to have erection problems. I would loose my erection before we could finish. I took 20 mg a few hours before sex and let me just say that I was very hard for my wife. We had sex 3 times last night and she and I were so happy with the results. I feel like I'm 20 again. I look forward to pleasing my wife over and over. Refractory was a quick turn as well.

  • William 61

    so far so good

  • George Mercer

    Wonderful. Took 20 mg for the first time and erection was hard rock. Though I was low on food and alcohol during this time. It really works for me though, I have been diabetic for the last 14 years and am 49 yr old.

  • Josh 55

    Works very well.

  • Noah Macduff

    Tried cialis after talking to family doctor been having problems with keep a erection during sex. Was given trial pack of twenty mg tabs instructed to cut them into two pieces when trying them for the first time. Twelve hours later nothing was feeling down then around twenty hours later bingo it started to work, had sex several times over a three day period and it is still working on day four, wife very impressed states it is harder bigger and last longer then when I was younger.

  • Henry

    Excellent and works well for me

  • Ethan R.

    Was having problems getting and keeping it up during sex for around a two month period, talked to my doctor was given trial pack of Cialis 20 mg per his advice cut one of the pills into two pieces. Around four in the evening took it, eight hours later still no results, around midnight got a strong erection had great sex with my wife of twenty some years, woke up the next morning with a erection wife gave me oral sex for around thirty minutes before i exploded, She said it was the hardest she had seen me in the last ten years. Been three days now and still going strong!

  • Henry Laird

    Cialis- does the job!

  • Archie Kingsman

    I am 75, and not ready to give up. 20mgs and an hour later it is raging. It really works and I even last longer than when younger. I am sold!

  • Leo61

    Excellent product, as described, and fast shipping!

  • Joseph

    Terrific supplement to increase blood flow. I order 20mg pills and break them into 10mg halves. I do have to pop a couple Ibuprofen, as Cialis does give me a headache. The only other negative is to make sure your spouse or GF is in the mood before taking the pill. The last thing you want is to be ready to go without a willing partner ;)

  • Daniel Jacobson

    This just transformed my life. Were this pill to be subsidised by all governments crime rates would drop, depression in both males and females would diminish - paradise. Little blushing at first, slightly heavy head - but then: stamina! 43 y.o., very fit, Erectile Dysfunction since sex debute. Overnight all problems solved. There is only one thing I'd like to tell the scientists behind this: THANK YOU.

  • Riley

    I have used Cialis for 5 yrs with great success since age 57. I cut 20 mg into 6 doses that last about 24 hrs each. Enables me to keep a strong erection for 45-60 minutes.

  • Poppy

    My partner had erectile problems. Started to lose confidence. Took 20 mg Cialis every other day. The difference was amazing. We couldn't stop having sex. By The Way, he is 65 years old. We are very pleased with the results!

  • Alexander Hamphrey

    Arrived early and exactly as stated, great price! Thank you!

  • Max 49

    My wife and I are in are in our early sixties and having great sex. What I like the best about Cialis compared to the the blue pills that I tried is that I don't get the stuffy nose issues. It is also great that if you take it on a Friday night it lasts through Sunday morning.

  • Jessica Gardner

    For several years, my husband had problems achieving or maintaining an erection. For a while, he took Viagra, which worked well, but there's no spontaneity (e.g., I can't just unzip and give him the come hither look). Then, his M.D. suggested Cialis, and whoooeey! Our sex life is incredible -- even better than it was in the beginning (given, ahem, more experience). He can take it on Friday, and any time, any place that weekend we can have fabulous sex. We're also enjoying extended sex again.

  • S.Finch

    WHOA this stuff works. I took the 20mg pill cut in half (as recommended). I was very skeptical to be honest. After taking the pill I did not feel any indication of special powers or anything. No tingling, burst of energy, or anything different. So I was even more skeptical. Later, my wife and I started to kiss and that was it. I was harder than I had been in a while. I felt like Superman, the man of steel. We were able to enjoy our experience without the need for me to rush. In fact, I had enough stamina to change positions 4 times. We went on for about 45 minutes before SHE said that she was getting tired. It felt like I could have gone another 45 minutes easy. All this with just half a pill. WOW

  • William

    This product really works. I would recommend it to anyone

  • James G.

    61 year old male - just an amazing medicine - 20 mg daily - I can have a good erection for sex almost every day, something that I haven't had in 25 years! Highly recommended, especially after all of the other medicines that I took didn't work.

  • Oscar

    Great stuff

  • Thomas Farmer

    My age is upper 80s. My urologist prescribed Cialis 20 mg daily about 18 months ago. Amazing medicine. I still have erectile dysfunction and benign prostate hyperplasia but both have improved more with Cialis than Flomax and Proscar. Bathroom trips once per night usually. My penis stays somewhat engorged 24/7 and I am in a constant state of arousal and "sexual awareness". I don't get hard enough for penetration but my penis extremely sensitive.

  • Charlie Evans

    As described and fast shipping

  • Jacob

    I'm 31, had trouble sustaining in certain positions and probably some anxiety mixed in there. Cialis works a treat, almost too well! Have to try not to get hard when just out and about touching each other. Has lifted a massive weight off my mind. Expensive, but on a per pill price, is well worth it. Just skip another luxury you have in your life for this.

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